
Data Portals

Modern datasets can be large and complex and are often locked away in proprietary applications and formats, making them difficult to access and use.

Front Point Consulting can help you to provide value-added, meaningful, accessible data, allowing your users to access vital data whenever, wherever and in whatever format they need.

Some of the available options for data distribution are:

  • scheduled summary reports, emailed to key stakeholders on a regular basis;

  • self-serve data portal, allowing authorised clients to download single/multiple/combined/value-added datasets in whichever format, location, etc. that they choose;

  • published, standardised extract, transform, load (ETL) jobs that can be run by registered users on an ad-hoc basis.

With the power of FME, your valuable data no longer needs to be locked away in data silos that only a few experts can interpret, or in a format that requires a specialised, license-locked application to access.

Speak to Front Point Consulting if you have ideas about how you’d like to free your data.


Data Transformation


Enterprise Solutions